1. Executive Summary

Purpose: Provide a brief overview of the business case.


Objective: State the main goal of the proposed software.

Summary of Benefits: Highlight key benefits.

Recommendation: Summarize the proposed action.

Example: "The objective of this business case is to propose the implementation of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software to improve sales efficiency and customer satisfaction. The software will streamline customer data management, enhance communication, and provide valuable analytics. We recommend proceeding with the purchase and implementation of [Software Name] due to its robust features and positive impact on our business operations."

2. Problem Statement

Purpose: Clearly define the problem or opportunity the software will address.


Current Situation: Describe the existing conditions or processes.

Challenges: Identify specific issues or limitations.

Impact: Explain how these issues affect the business.

Example: "Our current customer data management system is outdated and inefficient, leading to fragmented customer information and slow response times. This has resulted in decreased customer satisfaction and lost sales opportunities."

3. Objectives and Goals

Purpose: Define what the organization aims to achieve with the new software.


Specific Goals: Outline measurable goals (e.g., increase sales by 20%).

Alignment with Business Strategy: Explain how these goals align with the broader business strategy.

Example: "The primary goal is to increase sales by 20% over the next year by improving customer data management and communication. This aligns with our strategy to enhance customer engagement and drive revenue growth."

4. Options Analysis

Purpose: Present and compare alternative solutions, including the proposed software.


Option 1: Status quo (do nothing).

Option 2: Alternative solutions (other software or manual processes).

Option 3: Proposed solution.


Do Nothing: Continue using the current system, resulting in continued inefficiencies.

Alternative Software: Consider other CRM software solutions with varying costs and features.

Proposed Solution: Implement [Software Name], which offers the best balance of cost, features, and usability.

5. Benefits

Purpose: Highlight the advantages of the proposed software.


Tangible Benefits: Quantifiable improvements (e.g., cost savings, increased sales).

Intangible Benefits: Qualitative improvements (e.g., better customer satisfaction, improved team collaboration).


Tangible Benefits: Expect a 15% reduction in data management time, saving $50,000 annually.

Intangible Benefits: Enhanced customer satisfaction and team collaboration.

6. Cost Analysis

Purpose: Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs involved.


Initial Costs: Purchase price, implementation fees.

Ongoing Costs: Maintenance, subscription fees, training.

Total Cost of Ownership: Sum of initial and ongoing costs over a specified period.

Example: "The initial cost for [Software Name] is $30,000, with an annual subscription fee of $10,000 and training costs of $5,000. Over three years, the total cost of ownership is $65,000."

7. Risk Analysis

Purpose: Identify potential risks and mitigation strategies.


Risk Identification: List potential risks (e.g., implementation delays, user resistance).

Impact Assessment: Evaluate the potential impact of each risk.

Mitigation Plan: Outline strategies to mitigate each risk.


Risk: Implementation delays.

Impact: Could extend project timeline by 2 months.

Mitigation: Hire experienced project manager and set realistic timelines.

8. Implementation Plan

Purpose: Outline the steps to implement the new software.


Timeline: Key milestones and deadlines.

Resources Needed: Staff, equipment, and other resources.

Responsibilities: Who will be responsible for each task.



Month 1: Finalize software purchase.

Month 2-3: Set up and customize software.

Month 4: Train staff.

Month 5: Go live.

Resources Needed: IT staff for installation, trainers for staff education.

Responsibilities: IT manager oversees implementation, sales manager ensures team readiness.

9. Conclusion and Recommendation

Purpose: Summarize the business case and reinforce the recommendation.


Summary: Recap the key points.

Recommendation: Reiterate the proposed action and its benefits.

Example: "In summary, implementing [Software Name] will address our current inefficiencies, leading to increased sales and improved customer satisfaction. We recommend proceeding with the purchase and implementation of this software to achieve these benefits."

10. Appendices

Purpose: Provide supplementary information.


Supporting Data: Charts, graphs, or detailed cost breakdowns.

References: Any sources or references used in the business case.


Appendix A: Cost Analysis Table

Appendix B: Risk Assessment Matrix


By following these steps, you can create a compelling business case that clearly articulates the need for new software, the benefits it will bring, and how it aligns with your organization's goals. This structured approach will help ensure that all relevant information is presented in a clear and persuasive manner, increasing the likelihood of gaining approval from stakeholders.


How To Write a Business Case for New Software

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